Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

How to Play Sic Bo on Mobile

If you want to learn how to play sic bo on mobile then read this tutorial! Below, we show you how to play sic-bo on android. This game is played using cards.

There are different types of sic bo games but in this particular tutorial, we teach you how to play sic bo on android.

How to Play Sic Bo

To start the game, tap the sic bo card and wait for a few seconds until it loads. Once loaded, the player will see a game board or table with 3 columns and 5 rows. The player places his 3 cards face down:

The first three cards that are placed should be white, black, and red respectively.

White Card: A card that has no number on it. It can also have symbols like stars, spades, hearts, clubs, etc. These kinds of cards always increase your wealth when they appear at the end of the game.

Black Card: A card with the number 1 written on it. These cards represent your money and if you turn them over, your wealth increases and you get more money.

Red Card: A card with 2 numbers written on it as mentioned above. Usually, these cards have the least amount of value because there are two numbers written on them. They do not even count as money.

Now the next step is placing the other 4 cards. Remember all those four cards are placed on top of each other so the player needs to keep an eye on one place only. When the player places a card he/she clicks on the corresponding corner If the player clicks on the leftmost, rightmost corners, their opponent wins. If the middle corner is clicked, the game ends.

You can use both hands equally well while playing sic bo on android as both hands are used alternately for the placement of cards.

In order to win you need to click the middle bottom corner of the table which means the player who plays the card that appears last wins the game. You may ask why is this happening? Well, it’s simple math! All the cards except the last card appear at the bottom of the game board. So logically, the last card must appear at the bottom of the game board.

So let us take an example where the game board looks something like the below image. The player is given 4 cards initially but during the game, some of the cards could land at any position. So the game board would look like the image below. Here the red-colored cards are placed on top from left to right whereas the blue-colored cards are placed at the bottom from left to right. From top to bottom we have white, black, red and blue cards. Now here comes the most important part of the game. The player does not know what kind of cards are going to be turned over! And that’s exactly how the game works.

The player cannot predict the exact color of the card that is going to be revealed by the computer. However, the player knows that the last card placed should be either blue or red. So, the player starts guessing whether the last card turns out to be red or blue. The player keeps clicking whichever corner he thinks might reveal the last color. If the player guesses correctly, then he gets paid according to the points indicated in the image. But if the player fails to guess correctly, then the opponent takes all the money and the player loses all his wealth.

Sic Bo Rules

1st rule – The player must avoid clicking the center bottom corner too early or else the game will end immediately. He should remember that the player who played first, doesn’t get the privilege to go first again.

2nd rule – No stealing of cards. The cards cannot be moved after being placed down. This happens because once the player has placed a card, he can never remove it without the permission of the opponent unless he wants to lose. In such cases, the opponent gets to choose the card to be taken away from the pile.

3rd rule – The game can continue indefinitely until somebody wins or none of the players wins. In such cases, whoever has more cards wins the game.

4th rule – The game continues till one of the players reaches 21 points. The player can earn points by following these steps:

  • Clicking the middle bottom corner and getting the point
  • Not clicking the center bottom corner before time runs out
  • Clicking the other three corners and earning 3 points each
  • Stealing the last remaining card
  • Winning with 21 points.

5th rule – After reaching 21 points, the player can continue playing for another round. It doesn’t matter if he lost or won the previous game.

6th Rule – There is no limit on the number of times a player can play the game per round. For example, if there were four rounds in total, then the player could continue playing for a maximum of ten times.

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